DenTek Orabrush Zungenreiniger
DenTek Orabrush Zungenreiniger
Bürste & Schaber für frischen Atem. 90% des schlechten Atems werden durch Zungenbelag verursacht. Die extra weichen Borsten der Orabrush in Kombination mit dem Zungenschaber sorgen für eine tiefenwirksame Entfernung von Bakterien auf der Zunge.
Produktmerkmale & wesentliche Vorteile
- Bekämpft schlechten Atem
- Extraweiche Borsten lösen Mundgeruch verursachende Bakterien aus den Poren der Zungenoberfläche
- Der Schaber entfernt die gelösten Beläge gründlich
Zusätzliche Informationen
Wo zu kaufen
Zusätzliche Informationen
Wo zu kaufen
Die Zunge ausstrecken.Legen Sie den Zungenschaber auf den Zungenrücken und ziehen Sie ihn nach vorne, sodass Sie die Oberfläche Ihrer Zunge abschaben.
Spülen Sie den Zungenreiniger mit warmem Wasser und wiederholen Sie den Vorgang bei Bedarf.
Wenden Sie sich bei anhaltendem Mundgeruch an Ihren Zahnarzt.
Wie Ihre Zahnbürste sollten Sie auch Ihren Zungenreiniger alle 3 Monate austauschen, um optimale Ergebnisse zu erzielen.
First time using it, picked up a load of gunk of my tongue (the bacteria in your mouth that like to produce bad breath love to live in between the taste buds) and this cleared them right up!
Amazon Customer
First time using it, picked up a load of gunk of my tongue (the bacteria in your mouth that like to produce bad breath love to live in between the taste buds) and this cleared them right up!
I had a tongue scrubber a few years ago, it snapped and this is one of those things that I’ve been meaning to buy once again.
I couldn’t find one in the shops anywhere, so happy when I came across this one. The one I originally had only had the plastic scrapper for your tongue but this had little brissles too, meaning you don’t have to go so hard with it.
I would recommend and buy this brand again for next time.
I couldn’t find one in the shops anywhere, so happy when I came across this one. The one I originally had only had the plastic scrapper for your tongue but this had little brissles too, meaning you don’t have to go so hard with it.
I would recommend and buy this brand again for next time.
Alex Williams
Best tongue cleaner around. Due to the added little bristles I find it does a much thorough job of the cleaning process than having just the scraper alone. Lasts a long time as well.
Only issue is that it would be more preferable to be able to choose the colour so that my husband and I don’t accidentally use each others. But that’s just a small qualm in the grand scheme of tongue cleaning!
Only issue is that it would be more preferable to be able to choose the colour so that my husband and I don’t accidentally use each others. But that’s just a small qualm in the grand scheme of tongue cleaning!
M . Helen
I really like it. I have been having some issues with white tongue. Now I use it twice and my mouth tatses great all the time. I’ll keep you updated though because I want to taste reliability before I reach my final verdict.