DenTek Eco Cross Flosser
DenTek Eco Cross Flosser
Το DenTek Eco Cross Flosser προσφέρει την υψηλή καθαριστική δύναμη του κανονικού Cross Flosser της DenTek, αλλά με το πρόσθετο πλεονέκτημα ότι είναι πιο φιλικό προς το περιβάλλον.
Ένα οικολογικό και αποτελεσματικό οδοντικό νήμα, ιδανικό για κανονικά έως μεγάλα μεσοδόντια διαστήματα. Χάρη στον μοναδικό σχεδιασμό του, το DenTek Eco Cross Flosser είναι κλινικά αποδεδειγμένο ότι μπορεί να απομακρύνει 80% περισσότερη πλάκα σε σύγκριση με κορυφαία νήματα*. Ο μοναδικός σχεδιασμός του σε σχήμα X, επιτρέπει καλύτερη επαφή με μεγαλύτερη επιφάνεια του κάθε δοντιού. Ο καινοτόμος σχεδιασμός του βοηθάει στην απομάκρυνση της πλάκας και των υπολειμμάτων τροφής, ενώ μειώνει τον κίνδυνο εμφάνισης προβλημάτων στα ούλα και τερηδόνας.
Διαθέτει λαβή από πλαστικό βιολογικής προέλευσης (με ανανεώσιμη πρώτη ύλη από ίνες ζαχαροκάλαμου), μειώνοντας τις εκπομπές διοξειδίου του άνθρακα κατά 80% σε σύγκριση με το συμβατικό πλαστικό, συμβάλλοντας έτσι στην προστασία των πεπερασμένων ορυκτών πόρων του πλανήτη.
Χαρακτηριστικά προϊόντος & βασικά οφέλη
- 80% χαμηλότερες εκπομπές άνθρακα σε σύγκριση με το συμβατικό πλαστικό
- Κλινικά αποδεδειγμένο ότι απομακρύνει 80% περισσότερη πλάκα*
- Εξαιρετικά ανθεκτικό νήμα που γλιστρά άνετα ανάμεσα στα δόντια και απομακρύνει τα υπολείμματα τροφής και την πλάκα προσφέροντας άριστη αίσθηση καθαριότητας
- Διπλή καθαριστική δράση για πιο ολοκληρωμένο καθαρισμό**
- Καινοτόμος σχεδιασμός σε σχήμα X που καλύπτει μεγαλύτερη επιφάνεια του δοντιού
- Ο μοναδικός σχεδιασμός του σε σχήμα Χ απομακρύνει αποτελεσματικά τα υπολείμματα τροφής και την πλάκα, ενώ προσφέρει ήπιο μασάζ στα ούλα
- Ενσωματωμένη οδοντογλυφίδα για την απομάκρυνση των υπολειμμάτων τροφής και της πλάκας
- Γεύση μέντας για επιπλέον αίσθηση φρεσκάδας
- Επικάλυψη με φθόριο
- Με εργαλείο καθαρισμού για επιπλέον απομάκρυνση πλάκας και κηλίδων
The DenTek Cross Flosser also has an ergonomically designed handle that allows for easy grip and manoeuvring during use.
Additionally it features an inbuilt textured pick located at the bottom of the tool that can be used instead of a traditional toothpick to help further remove food and plaque in particularly hard to reach areas of your mouth.
Aside from assisting in the removal of plaque and lodged food, this unique X-shaped floss pick can also help to massage the gums.
This additional stimulation can assist in preventing gum disease and tooth cavities, helping to improve your overall oral hygiene and dental health.
To discover more about our full range of specialist floss picks and other oral care products, browse our website or get in touch with our team today.
*Compared with leading US brand of rolled floss. Based on laboratory study with artificial plaque between molars and pre molars. Data on file.
** Compared to toothbrushing alone
** Compared to toothbrushing alone
Recycling Information:
We encourage recycling of our Cross Flosser packaging from Boots via soft plastic collection points which are available at most major retailers’ store
Flossing Instructions:
- Gently slide floss up and down between teeth (medium to large gaps only) allowing the floss to wrap around teeth.
- Clean above and below the gum line.
- Rinse as necessary.
Pick Instructions:
- Place pick between teeth and gently press against the gum.
- Use an in and out motion to remove food particles and stimulate gums.
- Rinse as necessary.
Caution: Do not force between tight spaces
The DenTek Cross Flosser also has an ergonomically designed handle that allows for easy grip and manoeuvring during use.
Additionally it features an inbuilt textured pick located at the bottom of the tool that can be used instead of a traditional toothpick to help further remove food and plaque in particularly hard to reach areas of your mouth.
Aside from assisting in the removal of plaque and lodged food, this unique X-shaped floss pick can also help to massage the gums.
This additional stimulation can assist in preventing gum disease and tooth cavities, helping to improve your overall oral hygiene and dental health.
To discover more about our full range of specialist floss picks and other oral care products, browse our website or get in touch with our team today.
*Compared with leading US brand of rolled floss. Based on laboratory study with artificial plaque between molars and pre molars. Data on file.
** Compared to toothbrushing alone
** Compared to toothbrushing alone
Recycling Information:
We encourage recycling of our Cross Flosser packaging from Boots via soft plastic collection points which are available at most major retailers’ store
Flossing Instructions:
- Gently slide floss up and down between teeth (medium to large gaps only) allowing the floss to wrap around teeth.
- Clean above and below the gum line.
- Rinse as necessary.
Pick Instructions:
- Place pick between teeth and gently press against the gum.
- Use an in and out motion to remove food particles and stimulate gums.
- Rinse as necessary.
Caution: Do not force between tight spaces
Recycling Information:
We encourage recycling of our Cross Flosser packaging from Boots via soft plastic collection points which are available at most major retailers’ store
The DenTek Cross Flosser also has an ergonomically designed handle that allows for easy grip and manoeuvring during use.
Additionally it features an inbuilt textured pick located at the bottom of the tool that can be used instead of a traditional toothpick to help further remove food and plaque in particularly hard to reach areas of your mouth.
Aside from assisting in the removal of plaque and lodged food, this unique X-shaped floss pick can also help to massage the gums.
This additional stimulation can assist in preventing gum disease and tooth cavities, helping to improve your overall oral hygiene and dental health.
To discover more about our full range of specialist floss picks and other oral care products, browse our website or get in touch with our team today.
*Compared with leading US brand of rolled floss. Based on laboratory study with artificial plaque between molars and pre molars. Data on file.
** Compared to toothbrushing alone
** Compared to toothbrushing alone
Flossing Instructions:
- Gently slide floss up and down between teeth (medium to large gaps only) allowing the floss to wrap around teeth.
- Clean above and below the gum line.
- Rinse as necessary.
Pick Instructions:
- Place pick between teeth and gently press against the gum.
- Use an in and out motion to remove food particles and stimulate gums.
- Rinse as necessary.
Caution: Do not force between tight spaces